Sunday, October 21, 2007

The First Snow Fall!

Our first snowy day here in Colorado and Maiyah's first chance to play in the snow. Let's just say she had just woken up from a nap and didn't like the wind too much. Our trip outside didn't last much longer then 20 minutes. Daddy was out of town so I got to be baby holder and pull Nick on the sled. Nick wasn't too impressed, he wanted to make a snowman and throw snowballs. "Daddy we need your help, come home soon"

We stayed home all day in our PJ's (except for our outside attire). Had plenty of snuggle time, movies, and playing games. Wish you could have been home with us Daddy.


Susie PSU said...

Oh, what FUN!! I hope we get lots of snow days this winter. I'm counting on it, actually.

Amy said...

Maiyah is getting SO big! She looks adorable all bundled up. Glad you had fun out there :-)

Brandy said...

I love the sled pictures! Let us know if you need anything while Mike is gone.

Gina said...

Thanks Brandy! Mike will be home Friday night... can't wait.

liz said...

So it's TRUE! Gosh I miss the snow. I'm ready for winter - and so is my little snowflake ;)