Nick ripping into his Christmas presents. Our throw together tree with a few ornaments, store bought balls and home made ornaments. Didn't want to buy too many since we have so much Christmas stuff in storage.

Maiyah loved the doll house that Santa left her. Nick and Maiyah also got new flip-flops in their stockings. Maiyah's first pair! I don't think she took them off all day. I guess Santa knows that "slippers" as they call them here are a must in Hawaii. Don't you love the horribly bright yellow walls our rental has.

Beautiful views before we went to a luau with the family Christmas Eve. Nate here is a beach with awesome sand for you!

Nick's first Christmas program at his preschool. He was chosen to be Rudulph. Not the best picture sorry.

Nick's preschool invited Santa to join the group after the program.
I have to find some better pictures of Mike's family visiting. More pics to come!